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Blogs about webdev

Infrequently Noted

Alex Russell on browsers, standards, and the process of progress.

Amit Merchant

A Jekyll blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more.

Freek Van der Herten's blog on PHP, Laravel and JavaScript

Freek Van der Herten is a Laravel enthusiast and PHP developer at Spatie.

Lea Verou

Lea loves making things. She designs new web technologies, and tools used by millions of developers.

Una Kravets Online

The personal website of Una Kravets. Front-end developer, tech content creator, and supporter of all things web UI.

Tobe Osakwe

Tobe writes about startups, technology, and productivity.

Dennis Ivanov

Software developer, developer advocate at Appwrite, Udemy instructor, YouTuber and contributor at Traversy Media.

Peter Bengtsson

Personal reflections and insights on coding, performance, and software from a seasoned engineer.

Rasul Kireev

Rasul Kireev’s blog is a personal space where he shares his journey as a Readwise programmer, blending tech tutorials, web development projects, and creative experiments in DIY food and lifestyle pursuits.

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