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Blogs about python

Roman's Software Engineering Blog

Software career tips, insights into SaaS ideas, and open-source projects.

Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings

Armin Ronacher's personal blog about programming, games and random thoughts that come to his mind.

Evan Hahn's blog

Evan's programming blog that covers a variety of projects and hot-tos.

Math ∩ Programming

Jeremy Kun's blog about mathematics and programming.

Reuven's blog

A blog written by a full-time Python trainer.

Alex Papadimoulis

Daily WTF is your how-not-to guide for developing software.

Pamela Fox

Blog from Principal Cloud Advocate at Microsoft, focusing on the ways that developers can use Python with Azure service.

Robin's Blog

Freelancer in Remote Sensing, GIS, Data Science and Python.

Dennis Ivanov

Software developer, developer advocate at Appwrite, Udemy instructor, YouTuber and contributor at Traversy Media.

Peter Bengtsson

Personal reflections and insights on coding, performance, and software from a seasoned engineer.

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