0xADADA produces code, motorsports, and essays
0xADADA writes software, does motorsports, and writes essays about the impact of the attention economy on idleness, time, and lived experience.
Discover active software engineering blogs
0xADADA writes software, does motorsports, and writes essays about the impact of the attention economy on idleness, time, and lived experience.
Alex Russell on browsers, standards, and the process of progress.
A Jekyll blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more.
A blog about JavaScript, TypeScript and web development.
The chronicles of a self-taught designer and developer.
Codrops is a destination for web design and development enthusiasts. High-quality, innovative content that explores the latest trends
A blog about web development, focusing primarily on JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and browser technologies.
Evan's programming blog that covers a variety of projects and hot-tos.
Freek Van der Herten is a Laravel enthusiast and PHP developer at Spatie.
JavaScript ninja, image processing expert, software quality fanatic blogging about a variety of software engineering topics.
The personal website of Una Kravets. Front-end developer, tech content creator, and supporter of all things web UI.
Monica Dinculescu's blog.
Ramblings, rants, projects and generative art.
Software developer, developer advocate at Appwrite, Udemy instructor, YouTuber and contributor at Traversy Media.
Personal reflections and insights on coding, performance, and software from a seasoned engineer.
Rasul Kireev’s blog is a personal space where he shares his journey as a Readwise programmer, blending tech tutorials, web development projects, and creative experiments in DIY food and lifestyle pursuits.